
Do you talk to yourself? It’s a sign of success



Executive coach Terez Rijkenberg is an MBA graduate, author, speaker, and facilitator who blends productivity and mindset strategies to give busy executives simple ways to overcome procrastination and self-doubt. Terez is passionate about helping people achieve more success without all the stress so that they can create the ultimate life-work balance.

In relationships, 25% more negative comments most likely leads to divorce. But what's the percentage of negative self-talk in your head? Or are you on the way to a mental break-up?

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Did you know that talking to yourself intentionally is a sign of SUCCESS!

Yes – talking to yourself is no longer seen as a sign of madness! (Whew! 😂)

In fact, when we speak to ourselves intentionally, we create confidence and self-trust.

❓How do you currently speak to yourself?

❓What do you say to yourself when things don’t go as planned?

❓What do you say to yourself when you create the results you want for yourself?

Interestingly, research studies in relationships show that couples who speak to each other with a Positive to Negative comment ratio of 4 : 5 (which means for every 4 positive comments they gave 5 negative ones – i.e. just 25% more negative comments) – most likely ended in divorce!

Those that shared 25 positive comments for every 5 negative comments (25 : 5) were in healthy relationships.

But there were also couples who spoke to each other with 100 positive comments to every 5 negative comments (100 : 5) who were in amazingly successful relationships.

I’m sharing this with you to ask you, what do you think your ratio of positive to negative comments is with yourself right now?

Or do you think you’re on your way to a mental divorce (so to speak)?

And what ratio of positive to negative comments do you want to have to create an amazingly successful relationship with yourself?

The great news is if you want to speak more positively to yourself, then you can start to change your ratio, by first just becoming aware of the self-talk in your mind.

And when you hear a negative comment come up, you can train yourself to choose a different thought, one that will build that healthy and successful relationship you want with yourself.


  1. Start to become more aware of the self-talk in your mind
  2. Notice when you’re mentally “beating yourself up”, berating or criticising yourself
  3. In those moments, intentionally decide how you would prefer to speak to yourself (imagine you were a loved family member, what might you say?)
  4. Positive self-talk is an intentional practice that you can get better at over time with a consistent awareness of the negative chatter in your mind and intentional decisions of how you wish to speak to yourself instead.
  5. COACHING: If you want to permanently shift the negative self-talk then, book a free consultation with me here.

Your coach,


Want to know more about how this can apply to YOU?

Why not sign up for a FREE 30-min consultation with me. We will explore your goals, the obstacles that are currently getting in the way and how you can overcome them. It's easy once you have a strategy.

Want to know more about how this can apply to YOU?

Why not sign up for a FREE 30-min consultation with me. We will explore your goals, the obstacles that are currently getting in the way and how you can overcome them. It's easy once you have a strategy.


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