Success at work is just a consequence of great experimentation.
What do I mean by that?
Well – communication, leadership, product development, hiring, innovation, sales… are all just a series of experiments played out over time.
We try something.
We see if it works.
We stop doing it if it doesn’t or do more of it if it does.
The problem is that we don’t always see it like this:
- Sometimes we keep doing the same experiment over and over again expecting a different result (“because this is the way we’ve always done it”),
- Or we don’t take the time to review the outcome of the experiment and make a necessary adjustment,
- Or, we give up on the experiment before we’ve had time to create any clear results,
- AND, often when an experiment hasn’t yielded the results we want, we make the failed experiment mean that there’s something wrong with us (not true).
The first step is to view everything that you do as an experiment.
- Define what you want to experiment and why.
- Define how long you will practice the experiment to allow for a result to occur.
- Enjoy the process. Yes enjoy it like a crazy scientist!
- AND be curious about the outcome and the feedback.
Try not to make the outcome mean anything about you, and instead realise that your self-worth has nothing to do with the result.
You’re a scientist of your working life and even a “failed” experiment is a way to find out what doesn’t work!
And if the specific experiment doesn’t give you the results you were looking for?
Adjust and try again or try something different.
And if the experiment DOES work? Then do more of what works! Scale that as much as you can.
The more experiments you make, the more success you will have.
- Consider your strategic work goal – how can you think about a certain action or habit or process that’s a part of your goal plan as an experiment that you will run?
- Define what the experiment will be and what you would like to prove or disprove.
- Define how long you will practice the experiment to allow for a result to occur.
- Enjoy the process!
- AFTER your experiment has run:
- Be curious about the outcome and the feedback.
- Make adjustments based on your outcomes
- COACHING: If you want more success at work, then book a free consultation with me here.