How do you choose to think about your career, your work and life goals and your habits?
How do you choose to think about each challenging event that comes your way?
Notice I said choose.
You always get to decide what you want to think.
So often we think we don’t have a choice, but really we always do.
We can’t choose or control outside circumstances, but we can always choose our thoughts about them.
For example, we can decide: “I can’t do this” or we can decide: “I can do this”.
We can decide: “This isn’t working” or we can decide: “This is working”.
We can decide: “I’m not good enough” or we can decide: “I’m always good enough”.
We can always find evidence to support both thoughts.
Our thoughts are so subtle, and often subconscious, but the thought you choose will either serve you or not.
How do you know if what you are thinking is serving you?
- By how you feel,
- By the actions you take (or don’t take), and
- By the results you are creating
If you don’t feel good, if you are taking actions you don’t want to take or not taking actions you do want to take, or if you are not creating results that you want, then look to your thoughts.
Always choose thoughts that will empower you to take the next step forward.
- Think about your goal or habit you are working on right now or the challenging circumstances you are experiencing.
- Write down all of the thoughts or beliefs you have about those – i.e. do a thought download
- Highlight the thoughts that create negative feelings like disempowerment; defeat; fear; frustration; anxiety; stress; agitation etc.
- For those highlighted thoughts decide on another thought that is equally true that creates a positive emotion like: excitement; motivation; inspiration; power; confidence; certainty; calm; contentedness
- Practice believing and reminding yourself of those thoughts and generating those positive emotions
- Look for evidence to support those new intentional thoughts often
- COACHING: If you’re not sure how to do this on your own or want more information on how to make this work for you then just book a free consultation with me here.