
What to do, when you feel like you’re not doing enough



Executive coach Terez Rijkenberg is an MBA graduate, author, speaker, and facilitator who blends productivity and mindset strategies to give busy executives simple ways to overcome procrastination and self-doubt. Terez is passionate about helping people achieve more success without all the stress so that they can create the ultimate life-work balance.

Feel like you're "not doing enough"? The problem with using the word “enough” is that it’s never “enough”.

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Have you ever thought: “I’m not doing enough”?

Or “I’m not adding enough value”?

Or “I don’t have enough time”!

Or “I’m not good enough for this”.

The problem with using the word “enough” is that it’s never “enough”.

There is no endpoint with “enough”.

Because what is “enough”?

Everyone might have a different answer.

And if we think “I am not adding enough value” or “I am not doing enough” etc. we will continue to think those thoughts no matter what our results are.

PLUS, when we think these kinds of thoughts it creates feelings of anxiety, defeat or disappointment and then we stop taking action – proving that we “aren’t doing enough”.

Thinking that you’re not being or doing “enough” is a distorted thought that doesn’t serve you in any way unless you clarify what “enough” means for you.

So the next time you think something isn’t “enough”, ask yourself “what is enough?”

The clearer you can define “enough”, the better you will be able to see where any gaps and opportunities to improve might be.

And you’ll know what next steps to take.

PLUS, you might even realise that you’re already doing and being enough! 🙂



  • Think about whether you’ve had any “enough” thoughts recently or keep aware if these thoughts come up for you over the next week.
  • In the context of your particular thought, ask yourself “What is enough?”
  • Clarify exactly what “enough” would be and use this as an action plan for your next steps
  • COACHING: If you continue to think thoughts of not being or doing “enough”, then book a free consultation with me here.

Your coach,


Want to know more about how this can apply to YOU?

Why not sign up for a FREE 30-min consultation with me. We will explore your goals, the obstacles that are currently getting in the way and how you can overcome them. It's easy once you have a strategy.

Want to know more about how this can apply to YOU?

Why not sign up for a FREE 30-min consultation with me. We will explore your goals, the obstacles that are currently getting in the way and how you can overcome them. It's easy once you have a strategy.


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