When we don’t plan our time intentionally, we will often have this nagging feeling that there’s something else we should be doing.
When we don’t plan our time intentionally, we will often have this nagging feeling that there’s something else we should be doing.
We all stop ourselves from the progress we want with thoughts of “I don’t know what to do” or “I don’t know what I should do” or “I don’t know what to do next”.
The only reason you “don’t know what to do” is because you haven’t decided.
I’d like to suggest that you think of discipline as a practice and not an identity. As a habit and not a fixed trait. Anyone can build more discipline through practise.
And if you insert negative questions into your brain, you get zero (or negative) answers. Negative questions are not useful.
What are you spending your mind time on? What goes on in your brain during the day? Our life is a reflection of our mind.
If you had, in a PAST moment, scheduled on your calendar to punch yourself in the face, and then realised that actually you don’t want to punch yourself in the face, will you continue with that commitment?
Every time you feel like things are incredibly challenging, slow down.
The U.S. Marines have created this concept of slow is smooth, smooth is fast. They know that in life and death situations, every move has to be calm, considered and intentional.
Our ability to focus on something isn’t just because of our attention on that thing, but also because of our ability to ignore everything else!
When we feel good, motivated, inspired, energised, confident, and brave… we take actions that move us forward towards what we want.
But sometimes when we feel negative feelings like fear, disappointment, frustration, discomfort, defeat, rejection, or deprivation… we stop taking action or we take actions that sabotage what we really want.
Life is just a series of decisions. And decisions made ahead of time help to build habits.